The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Text File
2,256 lines
Compressed Lister for any ASCII Printer
On-Disk Software
P.O. Box 661, Lincoln, MA 01773 U.S. of A.
(c) Copyright, On-Disk Software, 1984
All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents
1.1 Description of ColLst......................1
1.2 A Word about "User Supported Software......1
1.3 Licensing..................................2
1.4 Document Files.............................4
2.1 Getting Started............................5
2.2 Interactive Screens........................6
2.3 Major Parameters...........................7
2.4 Internal Commands..........................10
2.5 More Printout Options......................18
4.1 Product Problems...........................28
4.2 Suggestions................................28
4.3 Useful Tips................................28
4.4 Error Handling.............................31
5.0 REFERENCE -Quick Command Listing- 33
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 1
1.1 Description of ColLst
ColLst is an easy way to list more data or text in a better
format. With ColLst you'll find that your printed output is easier
to work with:
* You can review names and addresses or accounts more easily
since there are more on a page.
* Source code becomes easier to work with, as you have fewer
pages to flip.
* Archival copies for filing or copyrights will be on fewer
pages using far less space and paper.
* Paper expenses will be cut.
ColLst has powerful controls and features which allow you to
get the listings of your column-oriented material in the style that
you prefer. Among ColLst's features are:
* Page layout controls - contolling width, length, column
positions, and number of columns.
* Optional headers - giving you time and date stamps as well
as title, subtitles, and page numbers.
* Optional internal commands - indicators in the file to turn
the listing on or off, start a new column or page, insert
another file, or change the headers.
* Retains user settings - parameter settings specified by the
user become the values for all future uses until reset.
* Batch commands - easy to use commands to print several files
without user supervision.
* Default values - used to minimize keyboard entries.
1.3 A Word about "User Supported Software"
Ordinarily, software of this caliber would cost from $40.00 to
$100.00 or more, with much of the price spent on advertising,
middle-person profits and packaging. If you prefer to spend most of
your software budget on software, support "User Supported Software"
like On-Disk's.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 2
In general,the term User Supported Software means software
which is intended to be copied for other users. The users are the
marketing force. On-Disk Software uses this concept to provide
high-quality software at very low prices. Satisfied users tell other
people, give them a copy of the User's Guide, or give them an
encoded copy of the disk.
The pre-installation disk is a coded demonstration disk. It is
the only disk which may be copied for other people. It does not have
any executable code except START.EXE, the module which installs the
program. This is the only format in which the program may be
distributed. If you received any other version, someone has broken
the copyright laws.
You may copy the pre-installation disk (which you copied for
backup before you installed ColLst), properly label it (see
license), and give the copy to your friends. You are NOT entitled to
give anyone portions of the program, nor distribute pieces of the
program, nor copy the installed and decoded version (except for
backup purposes).
On-Disk Software distributes everything on the one disk, thus
saving money in packaging, which is reflected in the lower prices we
are able to charge. You receive all the items normally included in
fancy packaging, but all on the disk. Note: This User's Guide may be
split and then bound in any folder by punching holes in the left
ColLst is copyrighted material and violation of the copyright
laws is a no-no and punishable. In the U.S. unauthorized
reproduction may result in fines, imprisonment, and other
1.4 Licensing
Please read the following section carefully, and write to
On-Disk if you wish clarification on any of these items.
In no event will the author be liable to you for any damages,
including any lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental or
consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use
these programs, even if the author has been advised of the
possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other party.
The term "author" includes the actual author of the program and
also the company, On-Disk Software.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 3
Single User License
Individuals are granted permission by the author to freely copy
the programs and documentation for their own use or to share with
others, so long as no price or other consideration is charged. Each
person who uses the program is expected to pay a license fee. The
recent Supreme Court case called the Sony Decision indicates that
software should be treated like a book. For example, if you buy a
book, you can lend it to someone or you can take it home and read
it. You can't do both at the same time. As soon as you do anything
which is likely to allow two people to use the product at the same
time, someone owes On-Disk another license fee.
Please use the form for SINGLE USERS LICENSE, printed from this
disk by typing, at a DOS prompt,
basica lister and selecting `license'.
Multiple License
Computer clubs and other non-profit organizations are granted
permission by the author to freely copy the programs and
documentation and share it with their members, so long as:
1. No price or other consideration is charged. However, a
distribution cost may be charged for the cost of the
diskette and mailing so long as the charge does not TOTAL
more than $10.00, and
2. Club members are informed of the user-supported concept
and encouraged to support it with their donations (license
fees), and
3. The program and/or the documentation are not modified in
any way and are distributed together, and
4. The programs and documentation are distributed "by
themselves" on one diskette. They may not be packaged
together with any other materials or programs. They may
not be bundled and sold as part of any other package, and
5. The programs may not be distributed via computerized
"bulletin boards" or through any other telecommunications
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 4
Distributor's License
Software developers and distributors are granted permission by
the author to distribute the program as a "front end" to software
which they may be selling or distributing, so long as:
1. A royalty equal to the license fee is paid to On-Disk
Software for each copy of the program sold or distributed,
2. The program is not modified in any way, and
3. The royalties are paid to On-Disk Software at least
quarterly, and
4. The name and address of the recipient of each copy of the
program is provided at the same time that the royalty is
Other Licenses and Discounts
Network licenses are available for interconnected IBM PCs. Also
available are Company and Organization licenses for many sites at
one facility. For employees of Company-Licensed firms, there is a
Work-at-Home Discount for personal use of an On-Disk
product. Similarly, there is a Student Discount for licensed
schools. Please write for more information.
1.5 Additional Document Files
On this disk are additional forms, which you may print at any
time. For a complete list of documents and how to print them, refer
to the cover letter.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 5
2.1 Getting Started
There are some customary notations, used within this User's
Guide, which should be defined. Examples will be indented 10 spaces
and the display portion will be in capital letters. The user-typed
portion will be in lower case unless the command is sensitive to
capitals (that is, the command MUST be typed in a certain
form.). You need not type in either upper or lower case (except for
the few capital-sensitive commands), this is simply a way to
differentiate screen displays from your input. The enter keystroke
will be assumed. The angle brackets <> will be used to represent a
single keystroke (i.e. <End> means press the end key). The DOS
prompt will be represented by A>. For example:
A> start
means, at the DOS prompt type the letters start, then press the
enter key. This will run the start file to install ColLst.
Before you can use ColLst, you must install it. The procedure
for installing the product is described in the file COVER, included
on your disk. You may print another copy of COVER by entering:
A>basica lister
and selecting `cover' as the file to list.
Now you should copy the executable files (.EXE) to your default
disk or directory. Also copy the files $$COLLST.TXT and
$$COLLST.PTR. This will minimize time spent searching for files.
The installation is finished, and whenever you want to run
ColLst, just type collst at a DOS prompt:
ColLst will search among the disk drives to find the files it
needs. For example, if $$COLLST.TXT and $$COLLST.PTR are on drive B,
ColLst will first look on default drive A, then the other
drives. This behavior will seem strange at first, but soon you'll be
glad ColLst doesn't stop when the files it needs are on another
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 6
In general avoid any special printing commands and foreign character
sets until you have some experience (try them with a small file such
as PRACTICE, included on this disk) with how ColLst handles these
special characters. For example, an embedded shift to double width
characters will throw off ColLst's character counting. The only
printer control which ColLst looks for is the new page or form feed
(FF or CHR$(12)). ColLst replaces these with a page break.
2.2 Interactive Screens
The way to start using ColLst is by using the interactive
interface or screens. Each screen will display a number of fields
(i.e. PRINTER WIDTH, NUMBER THE LINES). Your selections will
determine what is to be printed and how it is to be printed.
Each field (entry) has a help screen which you can display by
holding down the Alt key and pressing the h key.
The help screens will tell you what is expected for each field and
how to enter it. They also define the appropriate batch command and
the usual values for BASIC and MACRO source code. You can move
among the fields and screens by pressing the appropriate cursor
control key on the numeric keypad:
Right arrow, down arrow,
right tab, and Enter.....Next field
Left arrow, up arrow,
and left tab.............Previous field
Home.......................First field
PgUp.......................Previous screen
PgDn.......................Next screen
Additional control keys that can be used at any time,
regardless of cursor position, are:
Esc or End.........End the screens and print the file
Alt-H..............Display the help screen
Alt-A..............Stop this run (Quit without printing)
......During printing, stop printing at end of line
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 7
Each of the three screens will list fields and the current
values. The cursor moves to each field value as you use the cursor
control keys described above. Pressing the enter key will keep the
default value and move the cursor to the next field. Remember, each
field has a help screen available. To individualize your printout:
type in, over the default value, the value you want that field to
have. For example;
Printer Width....80 type in 120 over the 80
Printer Width....120<enter>
The program retains your values, even after you shut off the
computer. This allows you to set up ColLst for your usual needs and
do fast listings, using your personal style values. If you ever want
to reset the values to ColLst's originals defaults, just run
RESET.BAT at a DOS prompt.
Any changed values entered with a SET command in batch streams also
changes the field values in the screen interfaces, so you may want
to run RESET.BAT after a batch file, to return ColLst's default
2.3 Major Parameters
The first screen is designed to allow the user to do a quick
listing of a text file without worrying about parameters. Simply
run ColLst, type the filename (or drive and filename), <enter>, then
press the Escape key <esc>, and ColLst will print its standard two
column listing using default values.
The remainder of the first screen presents the most commonly
changed fields, with less likely changes available on the following
two screens. This allows the user to review just one screen for most
of his print jobs.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 8
The fields on the first screen and their default values are:
File:......................none, user-specified
Printer Width..............80
Columns (1 to 12)..........2
List Keywords..............Yes
Pause between Pages........No
Number the Lines...........No
Wrap or Trun...............Wrap
First Page.................1
Last Page..................32000
Print the Header...........Yes
Following is an explanation of each field. We strongly suggest
that at this point, you should sit down at your computer and get
some hands-on experience. A small text file named PRACTICE has been
included on the disk for just this purpose. Try it, and lets see
what this program can do!
The filename should include the drive specifier if the file is
not on the current default drive. ColLst WILL search the other
drives, looking for the file, but this does take time. The only
restriction on naming a file is that it cannot contain "directory"
information. For further information on this and on DOS restrictions
(such as filename length) refer to your DOS manual. Try entering
Printer Width
The printer width may be specified as any number from 80 to
256. This is the number of characters to be printed on each line,
not the width of the file to be printed. This number should not
exceed the maximum width capacity of your printer. If you specify
233 characters for a printer capable of only 132 characters, the
result will look awful. Go ahead, try it with PRACTICE. The default
is 80 characters.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 9
You may specify from 1 to 12 columns to be printed across each
page, and ColLst will equalize the number of characters allotted to
each column unless different values for Column Start Positions
(screen 3) are entered. ColLst will accept a maximum number of
columns equal to the Printer Width divided by nine. Try it, using
PRACTICE, at 4 then 8 columns. The default is 2 columns.
List Keywords
Keywords are print control commands contained in your files. An
example is $Page, which will cause ColLst to begin a new page.
These commands are usually listed, as you can see on your trial
printings. The keywords are on the second screen and are described
in section 2.4.
Pause between Pages
The pause selection is provided for users with cut-sheet
feeders on their printers. If you need to individually insert each
page, use Y for Yes, and the ColLst will cause the printer to stop
printing before each page.
Number the Lines
The line numbers will be four digits long (exception: included
files, which have a special prefix, see section 2.4,
"Includes".). Numbering the lines takes 5 spaces from each
column. Try selecting the Y for Yes option and see what it looks
like. The default is No line numbering.
Wrap or Truncate long lines
The wrap selection causes lines which are too long for a column
to be continued on the next line. Truncating long lines means
whatever doesn't fit in the column will be discarded. Whenever a
line is wrapped or truncated a minus sign (-) is added to the end of
the line. The default is to Wrap.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 10
First Page and Last Page
These two options allow the user to do a partial listing. If
you enter 2 for First Page and 3 for Last Page, ColLst will begin
printing with page 2 and stop printing after page 3. The default
values are 1 and 32000, respectively. ColLst will not accept a Last
Page value smaller than the current First Page value. The two values
may, however, be equal to allow a single page to be printed.
Print the Header
The header is several lines of information such as the title,
two subtitles, a date and time stamp, and a page number. If you
specify No header, you can print an additional five lines of text
per page. Try it, using PRACTICE. The default is to print the
header. Detailed information on the header is in section 2.4, "Pages
and Header".
2.4 Internal Commands
The next screen lets you control the keywords for commands to
ColLst. When you enter these keywords along with your data, you can
perform limited "formatting". Internal commands may suppress
printing of part of a file, set the title or subtitles to new
values, and determine when to jump to a new page.
Internal command keywords have a limit of 15 characters maximum
length. They are capital sensitive. The keyword must be entered
exactly as it appears in the ColLst display screen. For example, if
$Page is the current keyword for page break:
$Page will cause a page break.
$page and $PAGE will not cause page breaks.
In this example, $Page is the KEYWORD that causes ColLst to begin a
new page when the current page is not yet full. The keywords may be
changed from the current default to your personal preference, but
must then always be used in precisely the same form as you entered
them. RESET.BAT will bring back ColLst's defaults.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 11
At the prompt:
INCLUDE KEYWORD.....$Include:'
If you type over the second part to have:
You would then use $INSERT= within your data file to
indicate files to be included.
The second parameter screen allows you to change these keywords
to one which may be more comfortable for you to use. The fields and
their defaults are:
Page Break Keyword $Page
Column Break Keyword $Colbrk
List On Keyword $List+
List Off Keyword $List-
Title Keyword $Title:'
Subtitle Keyword $Subtitle:'
Subtitle 2 Keyword $Subtitle2:'
Include Keyword $Include:'
Internal List Commands On (Y/N) Yes
The page break and column break commands can be used to further
control the appearance and ease of use of your printed page and its
Page Break
The page break internal command tells ColLst to start a new
page. ColLst will print the keyword, then cause the printer to begin
a new page.
Column Break
The column break internal command tells ColLst to start a new
column. ColLst prints the keyword, then skips to the top of the next
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 12
The Header can be used to convey much information about your
report. If your field value for PRINT THE HEADER on screen 1 is Y,
then each page of the printout will start with five lines of text
called the header. The header always has two blank lines and three
lines of text. An example of a header is:
Title field
Subtitle field <time and date> Page: 1, 1
Subtitle 2 field
The individual parts of the page header are controlled through the
title, subtitle, and subtitle 2 internal commands.
The title internal command specifies the title for the file
printout. When ColLst finds a title keyword followed by a string of
characters (the title), it will store the title and print it
centered in the first line of the header of the following pages.
However, if a title keyword appears before any text in the file, the
title is used on the first page of the printout.
An example of a title is:
If you enter, on screen 2, $Title=' as the title keyword,
and there is a line in your file:
$Title='This is a title line'
This is a title line
will print in the title field of the header.
The title may be up to 60 characters long. The apostrophe
options apply to the title internal command; see below.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 13
The subtitle internal command specifies the subtitle for each
printout page. When ColLst finds a subtitle keyword followed by a
string of characters (a subtitle), it will store the subtitle and
print it in the second line of the header on the next page. However,
if the subtitle keyword appears before any text in the file, the
subtitle is used on the first page of the printout.
If you enter, on screen 2, $SUBTITLE=' as your subtitle
keyword, and there is a line in your file:
$SUBTITLE='This is the subtitle line'
This is the subtitle line
will print in the subtitle field of the header.
The subtitle may be up to 60 characters long. However, when you
specify on screen 1 a printer width of 80 characters, then the first
subtitle may be truncated to make room for the time, date, and page
information. The apostrophe options also apply to subtitles.
Subtitle 2
Subtitle 2 is defined just like the primary subtitle. It is
presented in the third line of the header.
Before continuing, print a copy of PRACTICE and check out the
header. Now enter a different title, using each of the following
three options, and check out the differences.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 14
The apostrophe options apply to the title, subtitle, and second
subtitle internal commands. These options let you use one or several
lines in the data file to specify the titles and subtitles, or let
you enter the titles and subtitles directly at the screen
Option 1: Internal titles with apostrophes
If the last character of the title or subtitle keyword is an
apostrophe ('), then when the keyword is encountered within your
file, ColLst will take the text from the apostrophe ending the Title
keyword to the next apostrophe as its title field. You MUST use a
terminating apostrophe. This allows the title and subtitles to be
entered on the same line. Consider the following example:
If you specify, on screen 2, your title keyword to be the
eight characters:
and your subtitle keyword to be the eleven characters:
then the line:
$Title:'This is the table' $Subtitle:'Version 1.0'
results in:
This is the table
appearing in the page header as the first line, and:
Version 1.0
appearing in the page header as the second line.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 15
Option 2: Internal titles without apostrophes
Another method of entering header information in the file is
without using apostrophes as either the first or the last character
of the title and subtitle keywords. In this case, the title line in
your file still sets the title, printed in the first line of the
page header. However, each of the title, subtitle, and subtitle 2
keywords must be on a line by itself.
Consider the following example:
If you specify the seven characters:
as the title keyword, and the ten characters:
as the subtitle keyword, then the line in the file:
$TITLE=Month End Report $SUBTITLE=Fiscal May
would give the report the title:
Month End Report $SUBTITLE=Fiscal May
which is likely not what is desired. Your file must have
the two lines:
$TITLE=Month End Report
$SUBTITLE=Fiscal May
in order for the report title and subtitle to be,
Month End Report
Fiscal May
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 16
Option 3: External titles and subtitles
You have the option of specifying the title(and subtitles)
directly at the screen interface to ColLst. If you do this, the
title cannot be changed by keywords within the file. At the
Title... prompt on screen 2, you must enter FIRST AN APOSTROPHE and
then a string of up to 59 characters. The string specified is used
as the title. For example, entering:
TITLE KEYWORD...'List of Accounts Receiveable Addresses
will result in:
List of Accounts Receiveable Addresses
appearing as the first line of the header on every page, and
keywords within your file will be ignored.
Now take time to try these out in combinations and find the
most appropriate and easily-used for you. Try entering a title with
option 3 and a subtitle with option 1. Use subtitle2, option 1, to
enter a different subtitle2 for each page, for the purpose of
clarifying what information appears on each page. Just enter into
PRACTICE, at the proper places, the keyword and up to 60 characters,
then print the file.
ColLst makes it possible to suppress printing part of your data
file, and to print other files as though they were part of your
List Off
The List Off internal command turns the listing off. ColLst
will not print the lines in the file until it finds a List On
List On
The List On internal command turns the listing on. ColLst will
resume printing lines when this keyword occurs. It is used in tandem
with the List Off internal command to suppress output
printing. ColLst starts in the "List On" mode.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 17
Files may have other files "included" within them. This means
that when the include keyword is encountered, another file is opened
and the contents of that file are brought in as if they were part of
the original file. ColLst can "include" up to seven levels.
A primary file can include:
a first level include file which can include:
a second level include file which can include:
a third level include file which can include:
a fourth level include file which can include:
a fifth level include file which can include:
a sixth level include file which can include:
a seventh level include file.
If you choose, on screen 1, to number the lines, the line
number for included files will be three digits and a prefix
indicating which level of include is being accessed. The prefixes
! . . . first level of include
" . . . second level of include
# . . . third level of include
$ . . . fourth level of include
% . . . fifth level of include
& . . . sixth level of include
' . . . seventh level of include
You may use as many includes in each level as you want, as long as
you do not have more than seven levels. The file to be included must
be a valid file name and must be on the default drive directory.
An example of the include internal command is:
If you enter, on screen 2, $INCLUDE= as your include
keyword, and there is a line in your file MONTH.RPT which
then ColLst will print whatever is in the SALES.EXP file
at that place in the MONTH.RPT file.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 18
For a second level include, if the SALES.EXP file has the
then the printout would include the TRAVEL.EXP file at the
indicated place in the SALES.EXP file, which is included
at the indicated place in the MONTH.RPT file. Line numbers
for the TRAVEL.EXP file would have the prefix (").
Use Internal List Commands
This feature allows you to print a file without any internal
command processing. If you enter N or No as this field's value on
screen 2, then ColLst will ignore all keywords and print them as if
they were ordinary text lines.
Remember, internal command keywords are capital sensitive. They
must appear in your file in exactly the same form as they are
specified on the second parameter screen. Take time now to try
these, using the PRACTICE file, by changing or adding keywords.
2.5 More Printout Options
The third parameter screen provides still more controls. The
fields and their defaults are:
Page length..............66
Form Feed................No
Column Number............
Column Start Position....
Output File.............LPT1:
Printer Initialization..
default column starting positions are:
A description of each of these fields follows.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 19
Page Length
In case you want to use a different length form, you may
specify the number of lines ColLst is to use per page. Any number
from 6 to 127 is accepted.
Form Feed
If you enter a Y for Yes in this field, ColLst will send a form
feed to your printer at the end of every page. If you enter Y
without shortening your page length value, you may get a blank page
on every other page of your printout. If you do use "short" pages,
you should enter a Y for Form Feed.
ColLst uses the ASCII standard of CHR$(12) (HEX0C) for form
Column Number and Start Position
You may specify the number of columns you want across the
page. Up to twelve columns are available, with the user specifying
the start position for each column. The minimum column width is nine
positions. The start position for the first column determines any
left margin. Watch the area in the lower left of the screen, and at
"Column Number" enter the number of the column you want to
change. Now move the cursor to "Column Start Position" and enter the
position number you want. Repeat these two steps for however many
columns you need, up to twelve, with each successive column start
position being at least nine more than the previous. For example,
Column Number...1 Column Start Positon...3
Column Number...2 Column Start Positon...13
Column Number...3 Column Start Positon...23
Column Number...4 Column Start Positon...33
will result in the display
current column starting positions are:
COLUMN 1 2 3 4
POSITION 3 13 23 33
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 20
The default values are 2 columns, beginning at 5 and 43. If you
don't enter any values, ColLst will equalize the column widths for
you, based on the Printer Width and number of columns entered on the
first screen. If you enter an illegal value (not +9), ColLst will
not accept it, and the window remains unchanged. Try it!
Output File:
The default value of LPT1: directs ColLst to send output to
your printer. You may change this to send output to:
SCRN: your console display screen, for previewing
COM1: serial interface (remote computer or serial printer)
filename to another file, for disk storage
Now, change to SCRN: to save paper, and start exploring!! A hint;
try SCRN:, Page Length 25, and Pause between Pages Yes to make
reviewing files easier.
Printer Initialization:
Sometimes beginning a program sends an "initialize" signal to
the printer, resetting the printer. This will destroy any
instructions for compressed, emphasized etc. that you have sent to
the printer. You may enter here either the name of the file to be
used for printer initialization or the setting codes preceded by an
apostrophe. ColLst accepts the numbers (base 10) for the character
codes to be sent, separated by commas. For example, to set an Epson
MX-80 to emphasis:
'27,69 shift to emphasized (Escape E)
to set an MX to compressed printing:
'15 shift to compressed print
to use initialization file wide.prt
Please consult your printer manual for the codes necessary to set
the printer modes. If you have an RX or MX, consider getting
On-Disk's MxSet or RxSet programs.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 21
Batch commands are available if you have DOS Version 2.0 or a
later version. If, during installation, you replied no to DOS 2.0 or
later, you don't have BATCK.EXE and can't use batch commands unless
you re-install ColLst. Batch commands may be used to set up the
printing of several files, one after another, with differing ColLst
options. After being set up, the printing may be done without user
supervision. On-Disk's programs are unique in the degree of control
and mnemonic names which make batch streams with ColLst work better
than any other program or utility on the market.
Each batch command may be set by using the DOS 2.0 SET
command. The concept of batch streams and the SET command are
explained in the DOS manual. One of the executable files which you
copied to your default drive during installation is BATCK.EXE, which
enables ColLst to use the DOS SET commands by reading your SET
command information and passing it on to the other executable
files. BATCK will accept only the legal settings listed below,
otherwise it uses the defaults listed below. ANY invalid setting is
To use batch commands, create a file named filename.BAT where
filename is user-specified. Connect BATCK to ColLst by entering
set prog=collst
then use the SET command to specify the text file and any legal
alternative settings for the batch commands. Call the file BATCK by
then enter, in the same manner, the file name and any new command
settings for your next text file to be printed and again BATCK.
A list of the batch commands, their legal alternate settings,
and their default settings follows. Please note that after the first
three, the commands are listed in order of their appearance on the
screen interfaces.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 22
PROG= none
VERIFY= off on
DRIVE= a,b,c,d
FILE= none (user-specifed)
LINEW= 20-256 80
COLS= 1- 12 2
KEYLIST= off on
PGPAUSE= on off
NUMBER= on off
TRUNC= on off
PGSTART= 1-32000 1
PGSTOP= nnnnn 32000
HEAD= off on
PAGE= user's choice $Page
COLBRK= user's choice $Colbrk
LISTON= user's choice $List+
LISTOFF= user's choice $List-
TITLE= user's choice $Title:'
SUBTITLE= user's choice $Subtitle:'
SUBTITLE2= user's choice $Subtitle2:'
INCLUDE= user's choice $Include:'
INTCOM= off on
FMLEN= 6-127 66
FFEED= on off
COLPOS= nn1, nn2...nn12 5, 43
PRINIT= filename or
'ddd,ddd,ddd... up to 30 printer set up codes
The section following describes each of the batch commands. For
greater detail on a command, see the corresponding screen interface
field in section 2.0.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 23
SET PROG= tells BATCK.EXE which the next program should be. Enter
"COLLST" if you wish to link to ColLst. This flexibility is for
persons who have multiple On-Disk programs. They can direct
BATCK to proceed to their other printer utilities. You should
have ColLst on your default drive or directory.
SET VERIFY= , if off, turns off the interactive screens and runs
ColLst entirely from defaults and SET command information.
SET DRIVE= {x} means ColLst will search on drive x for $$COLLST.TXT
and $$COLLST.PTR. These are the text and pointer files for
ColLst's screens and helps. If DRIVE is not set, ColLst will
search drives A:, C:, D:, then B:. If you know that the files
are going to be on a particular drive, you can save time by
using SET DRIVE=.
Printout Format
SET FILE= {d:name.ext} is the file to be printed. d: represents any
valid drive, name is the name of the file and ext is the file
SET LINEW= sets the LENGTH of the line to be printed on each page.
Valid values are from 80 to 256. Any other value will default to
SET COLS= (1-12) tells ColLst how many columns to print.
SET KEYLIST= tells ColLst whether or not to skip the printing of
internal command keywords.
SET PGPAUSE= allows for a printer pause at the end of each page.
SET NUMBER= tells ColLst whether or not to number each line.
SET TRUNC= tells ColLst whether to truncate or wrap lines that are
too long for the column.
SET PGSTART= tells ColLst to start printing at page n. Any invalid
value defaults to start printing on page 1.
SET PGSTOP= tells ColLst to stop printing AFTER page n. Any invalid
value defaults to page 32000.
SET HEAD= tells ColLst whether or not to print a header.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 24
Internal Command Keywords
All keywords have a maximum length of 15 characters. The keyword
must be entered in the text file exactly as you specify with the
batch command.
SET PAGE= sets the page break command keyword (maximum of 15
characters). When this keyword is encountered in the file,
ColLst will break to a new page.
SET COLBRK= sets the column break command keyword (maximum of 15
characters). When the keyword is encountered in the text file,
ColLst will break to a new column.
SET LISTON= sets the list on command keyword (maximum of 15
characters). When ColLst encounters this keyword in the file, it
resumes printing immediately.
SET LISTOFF= sets the list off command keyword (maximum of 15
characters). When this keyword is encountered in the file,
ColLst will stop printing after printing it.
SET TITLE= sets the title command keyword. See section 2.4 for a
discussion of the three apostrophe options in the Title
SET SUBTITLE= sets the command keyword for the primary subtitle. See
section 2.4 for a discussion of the three apostrophe options in
the subtitle command.
SET SUBTITLE2= sets the command keyword for the second subtitle. See
section 2.4 for a discussion of the three apostrophe options in
the subtitle2 command.
SET INCLUDE= sets the include command keyword (maximum 15
characters). When this keyword is encountered in the file,
ColLst opens the specified file and brings the contents into the
main file. For details on includes, see section 2.4.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 25
More Printout Controls
SET INTCOM= turns the internal commands on or off. When intcom is
off, all the keywords are treated as ordinary text or data
SET FMLEN= sets the number of lines to be printed on each
page. Value may be 6 to 127.
SET FFEED= tells ColLst whether or not to send a form feed to the
printer at the end of each page.
SET COLPOS= (nn1, nn2....nn12) where nn1 is the start position for
the first column, and nn12 is the start position for the twelvth
column. Enter the positions for as many columns as you need,
with a minimum of nine positions allowance for each column.
SET OUTFILE= directs the output to any valid filename or device. Do
not use PRN: for your printer, ColLst uses LPT1:.
SET PRINIT= filename or apostrophe then up to 30 set up codes.
ColLst will send this information to the printer before starting
the printing.
SET MACGRP=On Sets ALL parameters and keywords to the usual choices
for listing MACRO Assembler source code. The MACro GRouP is:
FILE={d:filename.ext} user-specified
PGSTOP=32000 TITLE=Title
When using BATCK, ColLst will use all parameters at the same
settings as your last batch printing unless you change the
setting. To see what the current changed settings are, type
SET<enter> at a DOS prompt (A>). To change all the parameters back
to the original default values, type RESET.BAT at a DOS
prompt(A>). The values changed with each SET command also change the
corresponding screen interface values, both of which change to the
original default values when RESET.BAT is run.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 26
The internal command keywords remain capital-sensitive. They
must be used in your file exactly as they are specified with the SET
command or, if not specified, as they appear in the default list.
Any invalid setting entered through a SET command is ignored.
If your printout isn't exactly as you expected, look at the values
given to ColLst. An easy way to check any questionable value is by
running it through the screen interface, checking every
value. Likewise, if your screen pops into DOS prompt before your
batch file completes, check to make sure you've given a filename,
etc. to ColLst.
Let's look at an example of ColLst batch commands. Suppose you
want to print four files; A.TXT, B.TXT, C.TXT, and D.TXT. You want
the A file to be printed with default values, the B file to print 4
columns, the C and D files to print 6 columns, the D file to number
the lines, and there are important phone calls which you must
make. It will take only a few minutes to set up ColLst to work for
you, then you can make your calls without interruption! Just create
a file WORK.BAT which looks like:
set prog=collst
set drive=b
set verify=off
set file=A.TXT
set cols=4
set file=B.TXT
set cols=6
set file=C.TXT
set number=on
set file=D.TXT
Notice that the filename must be specified and BATCK run for
every file. It is a good idea to reset the changed parameters to the
defaults at the end of a batch job. For example, the verify should
be turned on again so that screen interfaces can be later used.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 27
Some DOS commands (in particular, GRAPHICS and PRINT) severely
limit the amount of space available for the environment. If you use
these commands before running ColLst you may run out of environment
space needed for your set commands. There is a method of grabbing
lots of environment space before using GRAPHICS or PRINT. After
booting the system, at the DOS prompt type in,
A>set A=AAAAAAAAA..(about a hundred characters)..AA<enter>
A>set B=AAAAAAAAA..(about a hundred characters)..AA<enter>
. . .
A>set F=AAAAAAAAA..(about a hundred characters)..AA<enter>
A>set A=<enter>
A>set B=<enter>
. . .
A>set F=<enter>
for each of A through F. If DOS displays the message "out of
environment space" you must re-boot the system and use this
method. Many boot routines (AUTOEXEC.BAT) have environment limiting
commands. If you use the set commands above to establish more
environment space, you may still get the message "OUT OF ENVIRONMENT
SPACE" when AUTOEXEC.BAT has limited the space. This method cannot
be set up as a batch stream and/or part of your booting routine, it
must be entered from the console every time you boot your system.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 28
4.1 Bugs and Trouble Reports
If you notice errors in any part of this product please let us
know. On-Disk considers hard to use interfacing and inaccurate
documentation to be as much of a defect as code which doesn't
execute properly. Please report to us ANYTHING which you think is
wrong. Please print and fill out a copy of the file BUG from this
A>basica lister<enter> and specify BUG
4.2 Suggestions
We would also appreciate any suggestions for a future version
of this product, or for any other utilities which you may
need. On-Disk believes in easy to use and detailed controls, with
lots of help available on screen and in the User's Guide. If you
like our style, license our products and pass them along.
4.3 Useful Tips
*** Numbering the lines takes 5 characters from each line. The
header takes 5 lines. Keep these in mind when planning your layout.
*** Top and bottom margins can be arranged by telling ColLst to
print a short page and use the form feed. e.g., if your printer is
printing 66 lines per page, tell ColLst to print 60 lines (PAGE
LENGTH=60) and break to a new page (FORM FEED=Y). Then set your
printer to begin on the fourth line, and print. You will have a
three-line top and bottom margin.
*** If there are times when you want some of your printout to
disappear, such as when showing a workup to a client, you can have
areas not print by using the LISTOFF command. Put a keyword with a
good mnemonic such as Custoff above such areas. Then put in a LISTON
keyword at the bottom of the areas. Change the LISTOFF keyword to
Custoff and print.
*** To list the same file many times, SET the values wanted, print
it once to check, then create a batch file M.BAT which contains the
line COLLSTD as many times as you want copies, and run M.BAT.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 29
*** The number of columns determines how wide each column is. Here's
the table for figuring out the best number of columns for a
particular file, assuming a five space left margin:
|-------- Column Width --------|
at 80 at 120 at 132 at 233
1. . . . 79 . . .119. . . 131 . . .232
2. . . . .38 . . . 58. . . 64. . . .114
3. . . . .24 . . . 38. . . 41. . . . 75
4. . . . .17 . . . 28. . . 30. . . . 55
5. . . . .13 . . . 22. . . 23. . . . 44
6. . . . .10 . . . 18. . . 19. . . . 36
7. . . . n/a . . . 15. . . 16. . . . 30
8. . . . n/a . . . 13. . . 13. . . . 26
9. . . . n/a . . . 11. . . 11. . . . 23
10. . . . n/a . . . 10. . . 10. . . . 20
11. . . . n/a . . . 9. . . 9. . . . 18
12. . . . n/a . . .n/a. . . n/a . . . 16
*** To easily preview your files, set Output File to SCRN: and Page
Length to 25 and Form Feed to Yes, then execute.
*** When previewing, either on screen or paper, use List Keywords
Yes. For the final copy of your document, change to List Keywords
No. This allows you to verify your keyword form and placement, and
still have your final copy uncluttered.
*** If you use a Control C to exit from ColLst, or if your power
goes off, ColLst's storage file ($$STAT.PRT) may have problems. You
should check it or erase it (run RESET.BAT) and begin again.
*** To print only the "quick command listing" of this User's Guide;
run ColLst and change the following commands: First Page 35, Last
Page 37, Columns 1, Print the Header No, Page Length 55, Form Feed
Yes, and Column Position 1. Specify DOC as the filename.
*** You may eliminate the first (copyright) screen by entering
A>set scrn1=off
This will eliminate the first screen and running ColLst will put you
directly at the first parameter screen. The copyright screen will
return after RESET.BAT is run.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 30
*** ColLst includes COLLST.EXE, COLLSTD.EXE, and BATCK.EXE. You
might be wondering why so many EXE files.
- BATCK reads batch stream information from the SET command,
using DOS 2.x, and leaves information in $$STAT.PRT.
- COLLST picks up information from $$STAT.PRT, handles the screen
dialogues, and automatically connects to COLLSTD.EXE.
- COLLSTD actually handles the printing, according to information
which the other programs leave in $$STAT.PRT. The reason for the
separation is that good interfacing with lots of help available
takes LOTS of memory. So does printing a page with 12 columns. If
they were squeezed in together, both would suffer.
*** ColLst will "remember" your last entries. If you wish to print
again exactly the same file, the same way as the previous printing,
just enter
and you'll have an exact rerun, useful after updates.
*** The file $$STAT.PRT contains all the changed values from both
the screen interfaces and the batch SET commands. For instance, the
batch command NUMBER=on results in screen 1's field "Number the
Lines" being changed to "Yes". Printings done from the screen
interface will now have line numbers as will printings done from
batch streams until the field is reset. This is a definite advantage
when your style of document layout does not change with each
printout, and for batch users, after a power-down when all SET
information is lost. If the commonality is a potential problem,
simply enter a RESET.BAT command at the beginning and end of batch
streams, or erase the file $$STAT.PRT.
*** Frequently used sets of values may be stored, then recalled as
the particular set-up is needed. Enter the values through the screen
interface or batch commands, exit from ColLst, then use the DOS
command COPY to save the file $$STAT.PRT under an easily remembered
filename. This may be done for several different set-ups, each
stored in user-named files. To recall a stored set-up, use the DOS
command COPY to copy the saved set-up file to $$STAT.PRT, and
execute ColLst.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 31
*** ColLst is, of course, excellent for listing your BASIC or MACRO
source code, since it utilizes the full sheet of paper, making the
code much easier to review. Please note that ColLst's keyword
defaults are the same as used by the IBM BASIC Compiler. The SET
command MACGRP (on/off) sets all keywords to the usual choices for
MACRO listings.
4.4 Error Handling
ColLst will generally proceed to do its best with the
information you've given it. However, some errors cannot be handled,
such as power interruptions or the wrong version of the operating
system (DOS). At such times, ColLst will try to send the message
"Severe Error" and give a code number. If the code is between 1 and
10, try some or all of the following:
- Get out of ColLst <Alt-A><Enter>
- Clear the screen A>CLS<Enter>
- Check the environment A>SET<Enter>
If your check of the environment shows an obvious problem (for
example, if your ColLst screens won't display, your check might show
- reset to the defaults A>RESET.BAT<Enter>
and try again.
If the environment check doesn't show any obvious problem, your
system version is okay, and RESET.BAT doesn't clear up the problem,
fill out a Trouble Report and send it to On-Disk. Please give us a
thorough description of the entries made just prior to the "Severe
Error" message, and any other pertinent information. If you can can
print the screen (<shift><PrtSc>) that shows the problem, please
send this also. We WILL reply in a reasonable amount of time.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 32
If you can't get any Environment Display (with A>SET<enter>),
something is probably wrong with your operating system (DOS) or your
hardware. Run the diagnostics to check the hardware and also check
that you are running the proper DOS (for example, batch commands run
only with DOS version 2.0 or later).
If the error code is something other than 1 to 10, or for any
problems with the ColLst program, please let us know by means of a
Trouble Report.
ColLst has been engineered to be fault-tolerant. In other
words, ColLst will help you to the best of its ability, and further,
will recover from many mistakes. Beyond that, On-Disk will help with
any unusual problems. This is part of our commitment to
high-quality, low-cost software.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 33
-Quick Command Listing-
Screen Interface Commands
COLUMN BREAK KEYWORD (15 char) causes a break to a new column.
COLUMN NUMBER (1-12) used with Start Position to set up spacing.
COLUMN START POSITION (0-255) sets first position for each
column. Equalizes spacing with a zero.
COLUMNS (1-12) specifies number of columns to be used.
FILE NAME (d:filename) drive specifier: name of file to be printed.
FIRST PAGE (1-32000) first page to be printed.
FORM FEED (Y/N) send a form feed to the printer with a Y value.
INCLUDE KEYWORD (15 char) brings into printing file the contents of
another file.
INTERNAL LIST COMMANDS ON (Y/N) internal commands not processed with
an N value.
LAST PAGE (1-32000) last page to be printed.
LIST KEYWORDS (Y/N) internal command keywords are not printed with
an N value.
LIST OFF KEYWORD (15 char) turns off printing of file until a LIST
ON keyword is encountered.
LIST ON KEYWORD (15 char) resumes printing of file after a LIST OFF
NUMBER THE LINES (Y/N) four digit number on each line of the
printout with a Y value.
OUTPUT FILE (LPT1:, SCRN:, COM1:, filename) directs the listing of
output to another file or device.
PAGE BREAK KEYWORD (15 char) causes a break to a new page.
PAGE LENGTH (6-127) number of lines per page.
PAUSE BETWEEN PAGES (Y/N) allows for printer pause each page.
PRINTER INITIALIZATION allows the use of a set up file or codes.
PRINTER WIDTH (80-256) sets the length of line to be printed.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 34
PRINT THE HEADER (Y/N) with a Y value, the top of each page has the
three information lines printed.
SUBTITLE KEYWORD places a subtitle on the second line of header,
leftmost. See apostrophe options, section 3.4.
SUBTITLE2 KEYWORD places a second subtitle on third line of header,
leftmost. See apostrophe options, section 3.4
TITLE KEYWORD places a title on first line of header, centered. See
apostrophe options, section 3.4.
WRAP OR TRUNC. (W/T) wrap or truncate too-long lines.
-Quick Command Listing-
Batch Commands
COLBRK= (15 char) keyword for break to new column.
COLPOS= (nn1,nn2...nn12) list the column start position for each
column needed, min 9 positions each.
COLS= sets the number of columns to be printed.
DRIVE= (a,b,c,d) indicates drive that SprdLst's files are in.
FILE= (b:filename.ext) drive specifier: name of file.extension.
specifies file to be printed.
FFEED= (on/off) provides for breaking to a new page.
FMLEN= (6-127) sets number of lines per page.
HEAD= (on/off) provides for printing or not the header.
INCLUDE= (15 char) sets the include keyword, to bring into the main
file the contents of another file.
INTCOM= (on/off) ignore internal list commands when off.
KEYLIST= (on/off) not printing the internal keywords when off.
LINEW= (80-256) sets the length of line to be printed.
LISTOFF= (15 char) sets the keyword for not printing lines after the
internal keyword.
LISTON= (15 char) sets the keyword for resuming printing lines.
NUMBER= (on/off) number each line on printout.
OUTFILE= (LPT1:,SCRN:,COM1:,filename) directs output to another file
or device.
PAGE= (15 char) sets the keyword for breaking to a new page.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
ColLst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 35
PGPAUSE= allows for printer pause at each form feed.
PGSTART= (1-32000) which page to start printing.
PGSTOP= (1-32000) which page to stop printing after.
PRINIT= PRinter INITialization file or directly entered codes.
PROG= (an On-Disk program) connects to a specific program, such as
ColLst or SprdLst.
SUBTITLE= sets keyword for subtitle to print on second line of
header, leftmost. See apostrophe options, section 3.4.
SUBTITLE2= sets keyword for subtitle to print on third line of
header, leftmost. See apostrophe options, section 3.4.
TITLE= sets keyword for title to print on first line of header,
centered. See apostrophe options, section 3.4.
TRUNC= (on/off) whether to truncate or wrap too-long lines.
VERIFY= (on/off) allows the use or not of screen interfaces.
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
Collst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 36
A cursor control .................6
customary notations ............5
abort printing .................6
abort program ..................6 D
apostrophe options ............14
arrow keys .....................6 default field values, usage ..1,7
default screen values ....8,11,18
B defaults, resetting ......7,25,30
defaults, batch commands ......22
batch commands .............21,34 defaults, first screen .........8
batch commands defaults .......22 defaults, second screen .......11
batch commands example ........26 defaults, third screen ........18
BATCK.EXE ...............21,26,30 demonstration disk .............2
break control .................11 devices, output to .........20,25
bug report .................28,31 directory information
(file names) ..............8
C disclaimer .....................2
discount, student ..............4
c'est what? (help) .............6 discount, work at home .........4
case-sensitivity .........5,10,26 disk drive specifier ........8,23
changing values .............7,21 disk, demo and copying .......2,3
characters, special ............6 disk, labels ...................2
check environment ..........27,31 distributor license ............4
check SET commands .........27,31 documents on disk ..............4
column break ...............11,24 drive accessing behavior .......5
column number .................19 drive specifier .............8,23
column start position ......19,25 DRIVE= ........................23
columns .....................9,23
columns, equal width .....9,19,29 E
command, internal ..........10,24
command, internal processing environment check ..........27,31
......................18,25 environment space .............27
commands, SET batch ...........21 environment, SET commands
commands, special printer.6,20,25 ...................21,27,31
common storage of values ....7,30 error messages ................31
computer clubs .................3 example format .................5
control characters, printer executable files ..........2,5,30
....................6,20,25 external titles ...............16
control keys ...................6
copying documents ..............4 F
copying program ..............2,3
copying, backup feedback ......................28
...........see cover letter FFEED= ........................25
copying, label requirements ...2 field values, default usage .1,7
copyright screen off ..........29 field values, modifying .....7,21
copyrighted ....................2 field values, storage of ....7,30
cover letter ...................5 file $$STAT.PRT ...............30
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
Collst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 37
file name ...................8,23 keywords, changing ............10
file name, restrictions ........8 keywords, list as text ......9,23
file, drive specifier .......8,23 keywords, processing .......18,25
file, including more files .17,24 L
file, output ...............20,25
file, saving a set-up .........30 last page ..................10,23
FILE= .........................23 layout planning ...............28
first interactive screen .......7 left margin ...................19
first page .................10,23 length of line .................8
first screen defaults ..........8 length of page .............19,25
FMLEN= ........................25 letter,cover ...................5
foreign characters .............6 levels of included files ......17
form feed ..................19,25 license form ...................3
form length ................19,25 license, distributor's .........4
form width .....................8 license, multiple ..............3
form, cover letter .............5 license, network ...............4
form, license ..................3 license, single user ...........3
form, order ....................4 licensing ......................2
form, trouble report .......28,31 line length ....................8
format of examples .............5 line numbers .............9,17,23
front end ......................4 line numbers, prefix ..........17
LINEW= ........................23
H linking to other On-Disk programs
HEAD= .........................23 list keywords ...............9,23
header ........................12 list off ...................16,24
header, print ..............10,23 list on ....................16,24
help screens ...................6 LISTOFF= ......................24
LISTON= .......................24
I long lines .....................9
INCLUDE= ......................24 M
included files .............17,24
initializing printer .....6,20,25 margins, left .................19
installation instructions ......5 margins, top and bottom .......28
INTCOM= .......................25 messages, error ...............31
interactive screen, control keys miscellaneous tips ............28
...........................6 modifying values ............7,21
internal command processing moving around the screens ......6
......................18,25 multiple license ...............3
internal commands ..........10,24 multiple On-Disk programs .....23
KEYLIST= ......................23 name, file ..................8,23
keys, arrow ....................6 network license ................4
keys, control ..................6 NUMBER= .......................23
numbering the lines ......9,17,23
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
Collst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 38
O resetting default values
oops ..........................31 retained values .............7,30
order form .....................4 royalties ......................4
OUTFILE= ......................25
output file ................20,25 S
output to other devices ....20,25
saving a set-up ...............30
P screen control ..............6,23
screens, copyright ............29
page break .................11,25 screens, field value defaults
page length ................19,25 .....................8,11,18
page width .....................8 screens, first interactive .....8
page, first/last ...........10,23 screens, moving around .........6
PAGE= .........................24 screens, second interactive ...11
pause between pages .........9,23 screens, third interactive ....18
permission to copy .............3 SCRN1= ........................29
PGSTART= ......................23 search behavior ................5
PGSTOP= .......................23 second interactive screen .....10
positioning columns ........19,25 second screen defaults ........11
prefix, numbering .............17 second subtitle ...............13
print header ...............10,23 SET batch commands ............21
printer initialization .....20,25 SET environment check ......27,31
printer width ..................8 set-up files ..................30
printers, cut-sheet ............9 single-user license ............3
printing disk documents ........5 Software, User-Supported .......1
printing, abort ................6 Sony Decision ..................3
printout header ...............12 special print commands .........6
printout, partial listing .....28 specifier, drive ............8,23
printout, planning layout .....28 starting positions .........19,25
PROG= .........................23 stop printing ..................6
program, abort .................6 stop program ...................6
program, copying of ..........2,3 storage of values .............30
program, demo ..................2 student discount ...............4
programs, linking to others....23 subtitle ...................13,24
subtitle, apostrophe in .......14
Q subtitle, second ...........13,24
SUBTITLE2= ....................24
quick listing ..............33-35 SUBTITLE= .....................24
quit program ...................6
quit screens ................6,23 T
R terminating apostrophe ........14
third interactive screen ......18
reference list of batch commands third screen defaults .........18
..........................34 title ......................12,24
reference list of fields ......33 title, apostrophe in ..........14
report, trouble ............28,31 title, external ...............16
RESET.BAT ..........7,25,29,30,31 title, internal ............14,15
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984
Collst User's Guide, Release 2.0 Page 39
TITLE= ........................24
trouble report .............28,31
truncating .....................9
use internal list comm .....18,25
useful tips ...................28
User-Supported Software ........1
values, modifying ...........7,21
values, resetting defaults
values, retention of ........7,30
values, storage of ............30
values, use of defaults ......1,7
VERIFY= .......................23
width of form ..................8
work-at-home discount ..........4
wrap or trunc. .................9
Copyright On-Disk Software, 1984